Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose: styling Text

We will explore many customization options for the text with Jetpack Compose in this article.
Alex Zhukovich 9 min read
Jetpack Compose: styling Text
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Every mobile application shows a lot of text information on the screen. Even if the application mostly shows media content, like images or video, the text is an essential part of any mobile application. Fortunately, we have many customization options for text with Jetpack Compose.

In this article, we will explore the possibilities of a Text composable function and how we can apply multiple styles to text with the AnnotatedString.

This article is a part of Jetpack Compose series:

The content of this article is based on the 1.0.0-rc02 version of Jetpack Compose.

Demo of style Text with Jetpack Compose

Introduction to the "Text" composable function

I want to start with an overview of the Text composable function along with a description and examples of the following properties:

  • textDecoration: TextDecoration?
  • overflow: TextOverflow
  • style: TextStyle
  • inlineContent: Map<String, InlineTextContent>

If you are already familiar with it, feel free to skip this section and move on to the next one.

We have two Text composable functions with different parameters. Let us explore the signature of one of these functions and find the different parameters.

fun Text(
    text: String,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    fontSize: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
    fontStyle: FontStyle? = null,
    fontWeight: FontWeight? = null,
    fontFamily: FontFamily? = null,
    letterSpacing: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
    textDecoration: TextDecoration? = null,
    textAlign: TextAlign? = null,
    lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
    overflow: TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Clip,
    softWrap: Boolean = true,
    maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE,
    onTextLayout: (TextLayoutResult) -> Unit = {},
    style: TextStyle = LocalTextStyle.current

The main difference between these two functions is the type of the "text" parameter (text: String vs text: AnnotatedString). We will explore the AnnotatedString in the next section.

Let's take a look at few parameters:

  • textDecoration: TextDecoration?
  • overflow: TextOverflow
  • style: TextStyle

The "textDecoration" property

The textDecoration: TextDecoration? property allows us to paint decorations on top of the text. By default, the following options are available:

  • None
  • Underline (text)
  • LineThrough (text)

In addition to this, we can combine multiple text decorators with the combine and plus functions.

Combine Underline with LineThrough
    text = "Jetpack Compose: Text",
    textDecoration = TextDecoration.combine(

If we want to combine only two decorators, we can use the plus function:

    text = "Jetpack Compose: Text",
    textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline

The "overflow" property

The overflow: TextOverflow property allows us to change the default behavior for visual overflow. By default, the following options are available:

  • Clip (Clip the overflowing text to fix its container.)
  • Ellipsis (Use an ellipsis to indicate that the text has overflowed.)
  • Visible (When overflow is visible, text may be rendered outside the bounds of the composable displaying the text)
The "overflow" property
val text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida massa laoreet ultrices porttitor."

) {
    Text(text = "Clip", fontSize = 24.sp)
        text = text,
        overflow = TextOverflow.Clip,
        maxLines = 2,
        fontSize = 18.sp
    Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))

    Text(text = "Ellipsis", fontSize = 24.sp)
        text = text,
        overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
        maxLines = 2,
        fontSize = 18.sp
    Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))

    Text(text = "Visible", fontSize = 24.sp)
        text = text,
        overflow = TextOverflow.Visible,
        maxLines = 2,
        fontSize = 18.sp

The "style" property

The style: TextStyle property allows us to configure the style of the text, like the color, font, direction, shadow, etc.

The "style" property
    text = "Jetpack Compose",
    style = TextStyle(
        color = Color.Green,
        fontSize = 24.sp,
        fontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace,
        letterSpacing = 4.sp,
        textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
        shadow = Shadow(
            color = Color.Black,
            offset = Offset(8f, 8f),
            blurRadius = 4f
        textGeometricTransform = TextGeometricTransform(
            scaleX = 2.5f,
            skewX = 1f
    modifier = Modifier.width(300.dp)

Exploring AnnotatedString

The AnnotatedString provides a possibility to apply multiple styles to the text. Let's start with a short overview of the AnnotatedString class.

class AnnotatedString internal constructor(
    val text: String,
    val spanStyles: List<Range<SpanStyle>> = emptyList(),
    val paragraphStyles: List<Range<ParagraphStyle>> = emptyList(),
    internal val annotations: List<Range<out Any>> = emptyList()
) : CharSequence {

The spanStyles: List<Range<SpanStyle>> provides a possibility to style the text span. We can change the font attributes, and color, add text decorations, etc.

The paragraphStyles: List<Range<ParagraphStyle>> configures the style for the paragraph, such as text alignment, direction, indents, and height of the line.

To combine multiple AnnotatedString we can use the plus or buildAnnotatedString functions. Let's start with the plus function:

    text = AnnotatedString(
        text = "Red", 
        spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Red)
            text = "Green", 
            spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Green)
            text = "Blue",
            spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Blue)

We can also use the buildAnnotatedString function to combine AnnotatedString objects:

    text = buildAnnotatedString {
            AnnotatedString("Red", spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Red))
            AnnotatedString("Green", spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Green))
            AnnotatedString("Blue", spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Blue))

The buildAnnotatedString allows us to apply methods from the AnnotatedString.Builder class.

inline fun buildAnnotatedString(
    builder: (Builder).() -> Unit
): AnnotatedString = Builder().apply(builder).toAnnotatedString()

This approach allows us to use many build-in features for adding a style to AnnotatedString objects.

The append method allows us to append Char, String or AnnotatedString to the existing AnnotatedString.

The "append" function
    text = buildAnnotatedString {
            AnnotatedString("AnnotatedString", spanStyle = SpanStyle(Color.Red))
    fontSize = 24.sp

The addStyle method adds a SpanStyle or a ParagraphStyle for a specific range.

Combining "ParagraphStyle" with "SpanStyle"
    text = buildAnnotatedString {
        append("Jetpack Compose")
            style = SpanStyle(
                color = Color.Red,
                fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
            start = 0,
            end = 3
            style = ParagraphStyle(
                textAlign = TextAlign.End
            start = 8,
            end = 15
            style = SpanStyle(
                color = Color.Green,
                textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline
            start = 8,
            end = 15
    fontSize = 24.sp,
    modifier = Modifier.width(300.dp)

The addStringAnnotation method adds an annotation to a specific range of the text. We can use annotation to execute any action after clicking on a specific part of the text.

The ClickableText handles link on text.

The "addStringAnnotation" method
val uriTag = "URI"
val uriHandler = LocalUriHandler.current

val annotatedString = buildAnnotatedString {
	append("Jetpack Compose")
	    style = SpanStyle(
	        textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline
	    start = 8,
	    end = 15
	    tag = uriTag,
	    annotation = "",
	    start = 8,
	    end = 15

	text = annotatedString,
	onClick = { position ->
	    // find annotations by tag and current position
	    val annotations = annotatedString.getStringAnnotations(uriTag, start = position, end = position)
	    annotations.firstOrNull()?.let {
	style = TextStyle(
	    fontSize = 24.sp
    modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)

The addTtsAnnotation method adds a "Text To Speech" annotation to a specific range of the text.

This method marked with an @ExperimentalTextApi annotation.

The pushStyle method applies a SpanStyle or ParagraphStyle to all appended text until the pop method is called.

The "pushStyle" with "pop" methods
    text = buildAnnotatedString {
        append("Hello, ")

        pushStyle(style = SpanStyle(color = Color.Green))
        append("this ")
        append("is ")
        append("example ")
        append("of ")
        append("pushStyle ")

        pushStyle(style = SpanStyle(color = Color.Red))
        append("and ")
        append("pop ")

    fontSize = 24.sp

The SpanStyle

The SpanStyle provides a possibility to style the text span.

class SpanStyle(
    val color: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    val fontSize: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
    val fontWeight: FontWeight? = null,
    val fontStyle: FontStyle? = null,
    val fontSynthesis: FontSynthesis? = null,
    val fontFamily: FontFamily? = null,
    val fontFeatureSettings: String? = null,
    val letterSpacing: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
    val baselineShift: BaselineShift? = null,
    val textGeometricTransform: TextGeometricTransform? = null,
    val localeList: LocaleList? = null,
    val background: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    val textDecoration: TextDecoration? = null,
    val shadow: Shadow? = null

The textGeometricTransform: TextGeometricTransform allows us to define the geometric transformation applied to text.

The “shadow: Shadow” gives us the ability to apply a shadow to the text. The shadow effect is based on the following parameters:

  • color
  • offset
  • blur radius
The "textGeometricTransform" property
    text = "Jetpack Compose",
    style = TextStyle(
        color = Color.Green,
        fontSize = 24.sp,
        fontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace,
        letterSpacing = 4.sp,
        textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
        shadow = Shadow(
            color = Color.Black,
            offset = Offset(8f, 8f),
            blurRadius = 4f
        textGeometricTransform = TextGeometricTransform(
            scaleX = 2.5f,
            skewX = 1f
    modifier = Modifier.width(300.dp)

The ParagraphStyle

The ParagraphStyle configures the style of the paragraph.

class ParagraphStyle constructor(
    val textAlign: TextAlign? = null,
    val textDirection: TextDirection? = null,
    val lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
    val textIndent: TextIndent? = null

The textIndent: TextIndent sets the indent applied to the first line and other lines.

The "textIndent" property
val text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida massa laoreet ultrices porttitor."

    text = buildAnnotatedString {
                text = text,
                paragraphStyle = ParagraphStyle(
                    textIndent = TextIndent(
                        firstLine = 20.sp,
                        restLine = 40.sp
    fontSize = 24.sp,
    modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)

Example: Style substrings

Let's imagine that we have an application with a list of coffee drinks and detailed information about each coffee. The CoffeeDrinkDetailsScreen has name and description parameters.

So, let's apply a style to the description based on the following requirements:

  • The substring with the first appearance of a specific coffee drink in the description should be bold.
  • All "coffee" substrings in the description should be underlined.
Example: Style substrings

The first step is to create a function that finds all substrings in a string and returns a List<IntRange>. For the sake of simplicity, I implemented one of the simplest solutions.

fun getSubstrings(substring: String, text: String): List<IntRange> {
    return substring.toRegex()
        .map { it.range }

The final step is to create a composable function with styled text.

val name = "Espresso"
val italicSubstring = "coffee"
val description = "Espresso is coffee of Italian origin, brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure (expressing) through finely-ground coffee beans."

val substrings = getSubstrings(italicSubstring, description)
val nameIndex = description.indexOf(name)

    text = buildAnnotatedString {
            style = SpanStyle(
                fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
            start = nameIndex,
            end = nameIndex + name.length

        for (substringRange in substrings) {
                style = SpanStyle(textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline),
                start = substringRange.first,
                end = substringRange.last + 1

Source code of this example.

Example: Capitalize the first letter of a book chapter

Let's try to build the main screen of the application for reading books with multiple chapters. We can move between chapters by swiping to the left and right. The first letter of every chapter should have a font size of 52 sp (scale-independent pixels), and the color should be Red.

Example: Capitalize the first letter of a book chapter

I will use the HorizontalPager composable function from the "Accompanist" library.

The "Accompanist" library is a group of libraries that aim to supplement Jetpack Compose with features that are commonly required by developers but not yet available.

val testData = "important test data"

val content = listOf(
        "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida massa laoreet ultrices porttitor.",

val pagerState = rememberPagerState(pageCount = content.size)
    state = pagerState,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) { page ->
    LazyColumn {
        val pageText = content[page]

        item {
                text = "Chapter ${page + 1}",
                textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
                style = TextStyle(
                    fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
                    fontSize = 52.sp,
                modifier = Modifier
                    .padding(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp),

            for (index in pageText.indices) {
                    text = buildAnnotatedString {
                        if (index == 0) {
                                style = SpanStyle(
                                    color = Color.Red,
                                    fontSize = 52.sp,
                                    fontFamily = FontFamily.Cursive
                                start = 0,
                                end = 1
                        if (pageText[index] == testData) {
                                style = SpanStyle(
                                    fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
                                    textDecoration = TextDecoration.LineThrough
                                start = 0,
                                end = testData.length
                    modifier = Modifier
                        .padding(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp),
                    fontSize = 24.sp,
                    style = TextStyle(
                        textAlign = TextAlign.Justify

Source code of this example.


The Text composable function provides possibilities for applying multiple styles to text. The AnnotatedString can be a good friend if you need to do it.

We explored features available to the Text composable function together with the AnnotatedString type.

  • The SpanStyle configures the style for the text span. We can change the font attributes and color, add text decorations, etc.
  • The ParagraphStyle configures the style for a paragraph, such as text alignment, direction, indents, and line height.

Combining SpanStyle with ParagraphStyle we can achieve great results in text styling.

Source code of all examples in this article.

Do not hesitate to ping me on Twitter if you have any questions.

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