Android Testing Efficient Testing Android app – Tools Efficient UI testing series * Introduction * Local and Instrumentation tests in Android * Android Studio and Android SDK tools * UI Testing Frameworks Alex Zhukovich Dec 10, 2018 3 min read
Android Testing Efficient Testing Android app - Introduction Efficient UI testing series * Introduction * Local and Instrumentation tests in Android * Android Studio and Android SDK tools * UI Testing Frameworks Alex Zhukovich Dec 2, 2018 3 min read
SharedPreferences Guide: Shared Preferences Introduction Shared Preferences is one of built-in storage mechanism in Android. Android has few storage options which are available for Alex Zhukovich Nov 12, 2018 7 min read
Android Testing Guide: Testing Android Notifications Introduction Testing allows us to improve the quality of the product because after any changes you can be sure that Alex Zhukovich Jun 16, 2018 9 min read
Notifications Guide: Android notifications Introduction Notifications is a powerful mechanism of Android OS and a great tool which gives benefits to Users and Developers. Alex Zhukovich May 23, 2018 10 min read
Android Testing Handle Android animations properly Before doing some Android testing with Espresso, we need to prepare our devices and turn off the following animations: * Window Alex Zhukovich Nov 8, 2017 1 min read
RecyclerView How to set the empty view to RecyclerView Almost all applications display information in the lists. We have two basic components for displaying list of data in Android. Alex Zhukovich Feb 5, 2017 5 min read
Dependencies Versions managing of Android dependencies Today, I would like to talk about versions managing of Android dependency. Gradle allows us work with dependency in really Alex Zhukovich Nov 13, 2016 1 min read
UI components Password Visibility Toggle Recently, I wrote few articles about testing, but right now I would like to talk to you about very useful Alex Zhukovich Sep 21, 2016 2 min read
Android Testing Android testing: Espresso & UIAutomator together An Espresso is a good and fast test automation framework, which allows you test many things inside your application in Alex Zhukovich Aug 21, 2016 3 min read
Android Testing Android testing: UI Automator (Part 4) This is a fourth article from series of articles about testing Android project. First article about "Unit testing" Alex Zhukovich Jul 3, 2016 9 min read
Android Testing Android testing: Espresso (Part 3) This is a third article from series of articles about testing Android project. The first article about "Unit testing& Alex Zhukovich May 29, 2016 9 min read